Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No One Reads This Anyway

I've decided that no one reads this stupid thing anyway. I've been trying to think of something clever to theme it on but what do you know, I'm not that clever. Lately this blog reflects exactly how my life is. I don't have time for weeks at a time to sit down and just write something. I've yet to post pictures that I have taken, although the majority of the time, I never take pictures, because I just don't have time. I do not have time. I have been reading a book called the "Power of Full Engagement." It's all about balancing your energy instead of your time. I get that we need to harness our energies: spiritual, physical, emotional etc... but at the end of the day, there are only 24 hours in the day and I've run out. I have really been spreading myself very thin lately. Dan doesn't appreciate it because I don't spend as much time with him. I play tennis every chance I get, which aren't many, and then I work both jobs still. I put in at least a minimum of 60 hours per week. Don't think I'm complaining though! I'd have it no other way. Ok, maybe I'd give myself like 26 hours in the day...but that's about it. I've discovered that if I'm not busy, I'm not happy. I prefer to lead an extremely productive life. So, I cram and I cram as many things into my days as I can and continue on with my life. I figure this will be good practice for becoming a mommy in about a year. I can't wait to be a mom. These are my thoughts, that no one reads, and I'm fine with that. I'll be looking for a few extra minutes to post more often, but until then....

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I read :)

I'm sorry you're so busy. We need a patio party or girls night or something. We ended up not doing girls night the other night b/c Leslie couldn't but we are rescheduling soon and you need to come :)