Thursday, August 21, 2008


If this Cat were holding a tennis raquet, the picture couldn't be more perfect. This is what tennis seems to be like in Huntsville, Alabama. I'm actually pretty sick of it. It's unbeleivable to me, that women, who were never good enough to go anywhere with tennis, take the game so seriously. Then they actually try to pretend they like you or someone you know, while constantly talking crap about them in front of you. If I didn't love the game and the girls on my team, this would probably do it for me. But there's just something so wonderful about making contact with the ball, aiming towards that cat, and nailing it. Just thought I'd share that with everyone out there. Most people don't play tennis, or at least, I don't think they do...but for those of us that do, this is what it's like. A bunch of wealthy, older women (hats off to the men, I love playing with them), who have nothing better to do with their lives than have them revolve around the game of tennis. More to come I'm sure.....

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