Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another Weekend Come and Gone

This weekend there is really not much at all to report. It started with Friday night. We were invited to go to Movies in the Park with Ashley and Lucas. Dan wasn't enthused about the idea, and I probably could have made him go but we had to take care of Spanky (my parents dog). I took her to the vet on Friday morning. She has a couple allergy issue that have to get resolved. They sent her blood away, so hopefully soon we will know what it is exactly that she is allergic to. She's been doped up all weekend and it has beem my duty to watch her. Poor thing. So, Saturday also came and went. We were invited over to Ashley and Lucas to hang out with Aida and Chris but couldn't go because we had to watch the dog. Dan says we will never be invited anywhere again because we keep having to say no. Our schedules have just been so busy lately. It'll be nice when tennis starts up again so that I at least get to see my friends! Next weekend Dan's sister, Ashley, is coming to visit. So that weekend will buzz on by me as well. Last night Dan and I went to Fresh Market. It is super expensive but so nice. It's the kind of store I'm glad we don't live near because I would gain back any weight I have lost in the last year. I could just walk around that store for hours. Because we didn't get to go do anything fun, we treated ourselves to a nice meal. We cooked baked potato, asparagus, and NY Strip. We had way too much meat, so we are having that again tonight. Spanky has been with me everywhere I have gone this weekend. Today I took her to my house in Athens (we've been staying at my parents in Madison) and then to Isom's Orchard to get fresh veggies and fruit for my parents. They are out of town at a wedding. Now I'm getting ready to go play tennis. I need to hit, it makes me feel better! Then it's back home to start my work week. It's going to be a busy one. I have late meetings Monday and Tuesday. Hopefully tennis or Happy Hour then I have one day left in my work week!

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